Gender neutral wallpaper is a perfect way to create a beautiful backdrop for your little one’s nursery or bedroom. It can really set the scene and atmosphere that you want to make and be a useful guide when choosing all the other finishing touches.
For me, when it comes to gender neutral interiors – it’s less about the politics and more about the aesthetics. You want your child’s room to feel like an extension of your home and not a dated ‘traditional’ blue or pink meh-ness. The other reason why I’m a big fan of gender-neutral interiors is because I know just how quickly my three have grown! You want your child’s room to adapt and evolve with them and it’s far easier to do this if you stay way from a traditional themed nursery. I’ve included some of my favourite gender neutral wallpapers below – I hope they give you some inspiration!
I always find that the starting point when creating a room scheme is always the hardest! Choosing a gender neutral wallpaper that you really love will help you to choose everything else in the room. The busier the wallpaper – the simpler you want to go with everything else. But that rule of thumb isn’t always right – a lot depends on the size of the room, colours and patterns. At the end of the day – your little one will love whatever you choose.

I hope that I’ve shown that gender-neutral certainly doesn’t mean your nursery needs to be colour-neutral. In fact, when it comes to kids – I believe that colour rules can be flung out the window! Embrace your creativity and have fun with it.
Just click on any of the photos to take you through to the product website – and if you’re after details of the main image – it’s the watercolour forest wallpaper from Etsy. You can also take a look at my other nursery/children’s room interior inspo posts.
Natalia xo