Home » Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint

Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint

Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint

I’ve been meaning to sort out my kid’s furniture set for ages and finally got round to getting some Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint. I haven’t vlogged for AGES as quite honestly, I find writing so much more natural than speaking to a camera! The number of edits I had to do is crazy and this video took me two whole days to complete – whereas a regular blog takes around 4 hours. But I guess it comes with practice and so I’ll keep vlogging and hopefully get better at it. I’d love some feedback on this Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint review video so please do comment below or over on the BritishStyleUK YouTube channel.

The Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint that I used was anthracite and mustard and is also available in Homebase and B&Q. The furniture paint has a lovely smooth matt finish and is so easy to apply. I’ve only ever used eggshell paint on furniture before and I’ve definitely been sold on using chalky paint! Something I’d like to try on a another project is an ombre effect on furniture. You can achieve this by painting one colour at the top and another at the bottom and make sure you have an overlap of the colours. Then using sandpaper you can buff the overlapping mid-section so that the colour comes through giving a gradual ombre effect.

Here are the before and after photos…

Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint


Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint


Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint – step by step

1. Put a sheet down and protect anything you don’t want painting!
2. Lightly sand to remove any varnish, glitter or porridge (see video!)
3. Thoroughly stir the paint – I keep takeaway chopsticks to do this ; )
4. Using a clean brush paint a first coat. Layer the paint on a little at a time for a smooth, clean finish
5. Make a cup of tea whilst the paint dries…
6. Paint another coat if you wish and use Rust-oleum furniture laquer for the perfect finish to your chalk painted furniture.

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Rust-oleum furniture chalk paintPin this image on Pinterest

Have you used chalk paint on furniture before? I’d love to hear what you think of my Rust-oleum furniture chalk paint project too so drop me a comment below ; )

Natalia xo


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